Muskegon Bed Bug Exterminators

immediately, GUARANTEED.

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No Chemicals!
Customized for your home.

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Allphase Exterminators offers safe and environmentally-friendly heat treatment exterminations that kill 100% of bed bugs in just a single visit. Our team of extermination experts never use chemicals, toxins, or pesticides that can cause damage to your family, pets or belongings. Our heat treatment kills adult bed bugs, larvae and eggs in a matter of hours. For fast, comprehensive extermination services in Muskegon, contact Allphase Exterminators!

Muskegon’s Solution to Bed Bugs

Are you suspicious that your home or business may be playing host to bed bugs? Contrary to popular belief, the itchy insects can be seen by the naked eye. Newborns are tiny and transparent, but adult bed bugs are dark brown and around the size of an apple seed. You may also notice eggs in the seams of your mattress or along your headboard. Shed exoskeletons are also an easy way to identify if bed bugs have been thriving in your residence.

If the issue isn’t addressed, you may also begin noticing small red bumps or rashes on your skin. Residual spots of blood or waste may also appear on your sheets. Although the insects aren’t known to spread diseases, if their bites aren’t properly tended to, they could lead to an infection.

Despite their namesake, bed bugs don’t stay within the confines of your box spring. They can be found in any warm, dark spot. They can congregate in lampshades, within the folds of drapes, between the covers of books, or even behind baseboards. It doesn’t matter if your house is dirty or clean – bed bugs don’t discriminate. They’ll live anywhere their hosts do.

The Cost of Chemicals

Although pesticides have been the traditional treatment option for eliminating bed bugs, that doesn’t make it the best. As bed bugs continue to build up immunity to the toxins, pesticides are losing their effectiveness. The noxious treatment attacks the nervous systems of adult bugs, but is virtually harmless to eggs. So multiple visits are required in order to completely exterminate the entire infestation. And because pesticide use in homes is a relatively new practice, a lot is unknown regarding the long-term affects the chemicals can have on families and pets in the long term. Pesticides can be especially harmful to the elderly, children, pregnant women and those with compromised immune systems.

The cost of a chemical extermination is not worth the risk. If you want a safe and effective alternative to pesticides, contact the team at Allphase Exterminators.

Detecting an Infestation

In order to address the entire problem, Allphase Exterminators employs the most diligent bed bug detection team in Muskegon. Our team has been trained to sniff out infestations with an impressive 94% accuracy. Although they do have over 220 million olfactory receptors at their disposal. The canine detection team is not included in our visual inspections package. However, they are highly trained to alert at any sign of an infestation. Their sensitive sense of smell can pick up a single bed bug or egg, which may be overlooked in a typical visual inspection. Once we make note of every trouble spot, we’ll have the insight necessary to accurately provide an assessment and quote.

What to Expect

Heat treatments are completely safe and 100% effective at riding your home or business of bed bugs in a single visit. Pesticides can cause damage to your belongings, especially electronics. But our heat treatments are completely safe for most household items. When preparing for a heat treatment, you only need to remove items from the home that may suffer damage if exposed to high heat. These items include aerosol cans, musical instruments, and oil paintings.

After the inspection, we’ll place special heaters around your home to combat every area of infestation. We then heat your home to 145F. Bed bugs die instantly in temperatures above 130F, – the high heat will kill the adults, larvae, and eggs. We hold this high temperature for hours so it can penetrate furniture, walls, and any other place that the bugs are hiding.

Return to Normal As Soon As Possible

When we’ve finished our treatments, there is no residual cleanup. Unlike pesticide exterminations, you don’t need to book a hotel room overnight or spend hours cleaning up chemical residue. You are able to resume life as normal shortly after we’ve finished with our services. Just open a few windows to let out any trapped heat, and you’re done!

We understand that bed bugs can be disruptive and embarrassing. We offer discrete and effective services to deal with your infestation quickly and without compromise. That’s why all of our trucks and equipment are unmarked. Allphase Exterminators also respects your privacy, and will never sell your information to any other company.

Allphase Exterminators is proud to serve the Muskegon area with economical and 100% effective bed bug heat treatment services. We’re so confident in our services that we offer a 30-day guarantee that your home will remain bed bug free. Email us or call 647-688-HEAT (4328) for more information or to schedule a consultation today.

Ready to Start Living Without Bed Bugs?

Call us for a free estimate!



No Chemicals!
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100% Results Guaranteed.
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Can you see bed bugs?

Yes. Many people assume that bed bugs are too small to see, but this assumption is incorrect. Newborn bedbugs are very small, translucent, and difficult to see, but adult bed bugs are about the size of a small apple seed. The bugs are dark brown and can be spotted easily if you know where to look.

What do bed bugs look like?

Bed bugs are small, flat, and apple seed shaped bugs that range from translucent to brownish in color depending on their life stage. Bed bugs do not have wings and cannot jump; they crawl from room to room or person to person and lay white oval eggs tucked away in the areas where they feed.

Do bed bugs spread diseases?

No. Bed bugs have not been found to transmit diseases to humans. Bed bugs are generally not considered a threat to your health, however, bed bugs bites will cause itchy red marks or skin rashes to develop which can lead to infection. Infestations are also known to cause psychological problems for many victims.

Do bed bugs live in dirty homes and hotels?

No. Bed bugs can and will live anywhere as long as humans are present to feed on. They will inhabit any home no matter how clean you keep it. You can find bed bugs in budget motels as well as 5 star executive suites.

How did I get bed bugs?

Bed bugs are commonly picked up and brought home from traveling. Bed bugs outbreaks are common in large cities and downtown areas. You may have picked up bed bugs from schools, hospitals, movie theaters, even coffee shops. You can also get bed bugs from living in multi-unit housing or apartment buildings. If a neighbor brings home bed bugs they can travel through walls or ductwork into other apartments.

How fast do bed bugs reproduce?

Female bed bugs will lay 1-5 eggs per day and eggs will hatch within a week. The average lifespan of a bed bug is 6 months, but tend to live longer in a cold environment.

What does a bed bug infestation look like?

You will find exoskeletons on the ground that bed bugs have shed during their molting phases. Look for white eggs in the creases of your mattress or beddings as well as brownish blood stains and fecal matter in your sheets from feedings. You will also have red spots develop on your skin and it’s likely that you will see bed bugs crawling around if the infestation gets worse.

Do I have to throw out my furniture and mattress?

No. Many people throw out furniture and mattresses because chemical pest control companies tell them to. If you choose heat treatment, the safer alternative, you can treat your home and all of the contents and furnishings inside your home, saving you thousands of dollars.

How do I get rid of bed bugs?

Bed bugs grow at a rapid rate. You should hire a professional exterminator to get rid of bed bugs at the first signs of infestation. Bed bugs are the only insect that a home owner can’t treat on their own.

Will heat treatment hurt my home?

No. Aside from a few items that will need to be removed prior to your service, heat treatment is safe for your home. Some of the items that will need to be removed are items that cannot withstand high levels of heat including: candles, crayons, oil paintings, aerosol cans, plants, and stringed musical instruments. Review the full heat treatment item checklist here.

Can the cold kill bed bugs?

Findings have shown that bed bugs will die if kept in the freezer at 1F for 3 ½ days. If kept at -4F degrees, they will die in just 2 days. You can place infested items in sealed bags in the freezer but this will not exterminate an infestation; bed bugs will hide in all kinds of spaces in your home and could even be hidden behind electrical outlets and in the walls.